Why didn't this "nesting" thing kick in like 2 months ago! That would have been so much more convenient. What a weird thing our bodies do at about 8 months of pregnancy. We kick into this crazy fanatical mode where everything has to be perfect for the baby's arrival. Like the nursery wasn't enough I decided that NOW would be a wonderful time to complete 2 other major projects in our 4 week window (after all people will want to visit after the baby comes & the house has to look good... right?)... my hubby is absolutely loving me right now. Can you tell....

We had a toilet leak about a year ago when we were on vacation & it caused a huge piece of drywall to fall through the downstairs ceiling. A friend replaced the dry wall awhile back, but it needed to be sanded. Which sounds like a pretty simple task. Well as you'll see in the above pic it wasn't. He's still trying to get the dust out of his throat. It's a good thing he sectioned off the area w/ plastic b/c dust is EVERYWHERE. Anyway, now that it's finished I can paint the ceiling & then finally paint the rest of the walls downstairs. Yay smooth ceiling, but look at all of the dust on the walls...
The other project is in the kitchen. When they first built our townhouse they applied the wall paper (the hideous 70s ivy wallpaper) directly to the drywall. Needless to say it didn't come off nicely so Stephen also plastered & sanded the kitchen walls. (like I said... he is SO loving me right now). This wasn't the only wall... there are 2 other small ones too...
I think I can get all of these walls painted in time for the baby. I might as well take advantage of this extra motivation! Or maybe I'm just being an irrational nesting looney bin... We'll see.
My friend Cara came over today to help out. While the hubby was downstairs doing his thing we were upstairs working in the nursery.
I'm happy to announce we are ALMOST finished (painting the nursery, that is). We have 2 more coats to go on the dark wall & then the trim. WOO HOO. She's coming over tomorrow to help finish it up!!! What a load off that will be.
With all of this work going on in the house & the rain outside the kids were a bit restless & bored. We ended the evening w/ a few board games to make up for at least a little of the boredom. The middle babe did have a fun morning though. I took her to one of those hospital sibling classes. She had a blast! We even got to see, as she says... "real life babies" in the nursery. Nothing like those sweet little babies to get you super stoked about yours coming out! ... not yet though.. the house isn't finished... (I need a hot bath & a massage!)
Look at my sweet girl learning to be Mom's big helper! I love you!
Wow!! You are certainly Super Mom!!! Don't do too much...ya know...you can always call and I could help!!! Love you!