I also altered my school plan a bit. I decided to go ahead & start my pre-requs! The original plan (don't you love how MY plans are ever so changing...) was to go part time with my pre-reqs while I worked close to full time hours as a CNA (insane, right?) WELL, there is a possibility that I will go to school full time & finish my pre-requs in 2 semesters... and just work very part time hours. Health Science 1 & 2 are part of those pre-requs. BUT I have to take Chemistry before I can take those 2 classes. (you still with me?) I say all of that to say I realized Memorial Day morning that I had to take Chemistry this summer or it would delay me 9 months!!!! Because the school was closed that Monday I registered Tuesday morning & started class that night. I tell ya, I'm getting better at this decision making thing, huh?
Money is a bit tight. I'm having to be extremely clever with the grocery planning. I know I didn't have a choice when it came to quitting the job... so I'm confident that I did the right thing and I know everything is going to work out fine.
This school thing is a little weird. I haven't been in school for about 10 years. My first test is this Thursday. I'm a little unprepared b/c I don't have my book yet (school was out of used books so I ordered online.. got an older version that the teacher approved for $5... sure beats the $135 new one at the school!)
I have to finish all of my nursing pre-requs before I can actually apply to the nursing program.(Pre-requs= Chemistry, Health Science 1 & 2, College Success Skills, Computer, Math 120, Developmental Psychology, Principles of Sociology & a humanities elective... English comp too, but that was the 1 class out of my original 32 credits that I can use... 10 years later, ayayaa) Out of 200 applicants per semester only 60 are accepted. It's based on the GPA of your pre-requs & a test called the NET. So I know I have to do really good.
I called this post what I did b/c even though I'm not actually in the nursing program yet, that's my goal & as far as I'm concerned... I'm in nursing school. It's going to be a 3 year journey. I'm sure that there will be some sacrifices & a ton of hard work, but I'm so excited.
If I have to be away from my family to do a job... I know part of that is bringing home the bacon but, I want to do something that brings value to others. I'm excited about nursing b/c I know I will be helping people. I'm not sure what area of nursing I'm interested in yet, but I believe God will show me as I go where He wants to use me.
So anyway, post 1 of my 3 year journey... it's going to be an adventurous one, I'm sure!
For now, Im off to look up my text book online & see if I can figure out these crazy metric conversions before Thursdays test.
You will do great! I am sure! I'll be praying for you!
ReplyDeleteWe need to plan a bunch of stuff this summer to keep everyone busy!
Okay, so money is tight & you're going back to school?
ReplyDeleteBoy, do I understand.
Two things to mention here: text book rental. Makes sense, right? I had no idea that it even existed until this Summer session. I was googling a text book looking for it cheaper online that at the book store, and that's when I found out that I could RENT the book for 45 bucks, as opposed to paying over a hundred for it at the book store.
So, tip #1 is: check into that!
Tip #2: many hospitals have various non-clinical positions that you could check into for tuition reimbursement. As a part time hospital employee, I am eligible for tuition reimbursement which includes book reimbursement for clinical degrees. So....just something to chew on if you could work & go to school. (Which IS a lot, I know!)
Oh, I am so excited. Maybe we can study together =)
ReplyDeleteIt just sound cool =)
wow kasie your amazing!!
ReplyDeletea mom, work, school, wife...i don't know how you do it all!!
i'm really excited for you your going to make an amazing nurse. i was actually in the ER the other night and though i can see kasie here taking care of everyone :)
you rock!!
I am here for you!!! What ever you need....just call Mom!! I will help out any way I can! I am so proud of you! Love you so much!! Mom
ReplyDeleteI am SO proud of you, Kasie, so proud of you. Take a boatload of ambition, drive and determination to do this, and you're SO going to succeed. I'm so proud of you!!
I knew that H20 meant water, and that's all I could understand, except I just don't understand what H2O and water have in common, or what it all means... but they never asked what H20 stands for on any Chemistry tests when I took Chem in school, so I got a big fat 0 for the entire course :o)
The only thing I got right that year was putting my name on my blank test papers, but there was no credit for that. Boo! :op