I'm feeling a bit more motivated this week than I did last week. I had a pretty intense "to do" list yesterday morning. I didn't quite finish everything on it, but I did get a lot done minus sanding the kitchen walls & scrubbing the bathrooms (the 2 things I was looking forward to the least... imagine that... I should prioritize these things before I even get started.) I have big goals for today as well... we'll see how far I get.
The weekend was great....
Friday night my brother graduated from Fortis college. He is now a certified Medical Office Specialist. I'm so proud of him! About 5 years ago the doctors said he wouldn't even be able to function well enough to drive a car again & now look at him...

Way to go bro! Keep chasing your dreams! NOTHING is impossible with God! He has an awesome destiny & divine purpose for your life.
Saturday my cousin got married in Williamsburg. She made such a beautiful bride!
I ended up taking all 3 of the girls. Stephen had to stay in Richmond for a YAM worship night & I couldn't find a sitter for Reece. I tried everything short of knocking on doors in the neighborhood to find a sitter for her. My major concern was her making noise during the ceremony. I just prayed that she would be good. The church was big & very LONG. When the usher asked, I told him we were the bride's family. He then took be by the arm, as I held baby on the hip, Olivia's hand in mine, diaper bag over the shoulder... we marched ALL the way to the front of the church. When I looked back to see how far I would have to go to escape just in case it looked like the back door was 2 miles away. Reece was doing great until the processional music began. She decided that was a great time to chime in & sing her little heart out. Thankfully when the music stopped she did too. As we sat there I passed her everything I had on me to keep her quiet.. a plastic spoon, her teether, baby puffs, my bracelet, my debit card, the Hymnal... whatever grabbed her attention at the time. When the minister said "speak now or forever hold your peace" I had visions of her screaming out at the top of her lungs... thankfully she didn't. She actually didn't make a peep the entire time... except for a few scattered hiccups. Whew! The wedding was beautiful & the reception was a blast. If at any moment I didn't know where the girls were @ the reception I knew I could find Madison in the buffet line, Olivia out on the dance floor & Reece either being passed around or nestled in her stroller.
(Liv dancing with her cousin Kennedy)
Jessica is so beautiful & made a gorgeous bride. The wedding was very nice & we all had a great time. Congrats Jess! I love you girl!
ReplyDeleteYOU look beautiful!!! Look at'cha! You and the girls all dressed up...love the picture!
Jessica looks amazing! She's always been so very pretty!!!
Have a great week and I hope you get LOTS done!
You gals look so pretty!