I never send out the "year in review" letters at Christmas time... heck, who am I kidding, I haven't even sent Christmas cards since... well, I can't remember. I do LOVE getting those letters in the mail though & catching up on what's going on in the lives of family & friends. My goal is to get cards AND a letter out next year. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.
If I had sent one out this year...
it would have gone a little something like this....
Dear family & friends,
What a year it has been! (so cliche & so cheesy, huh?) As usual, the Sanders home has been a busy one this year.
Stephen is still working at our church as a video editor. He edits the broadcast that our church produces as well as other creative short videos that our church uses for various things. He loves what he does and sees it as a privilege to have a part in spreading the gospel across the world though media.
I have decided to stop working and become a full time student. I enrolled at a local community college and am now pursuing a nursing degree. I am absolutely loving school and I am also thoroughly enjoying the extra time I now have at home with the girls.
Stephen & I also work together to head up the young adults ministry at our church. Our responsibilities include planning fellowship & outreach events for the young adults in our church. We love it & would definitely say our most memorable experience with the "yammers" this year was a New York City mission trip we went on in August. Many lives were changed... especially ours. We are looking forward to taking a trip to El Salvador in 2010!
Madison is now a middle schooler. She is maturing into a sweet young lady. Her new favorite things to do are send text messages, take pictures, and cheer. Yes, can you believe it?!? Our self-proclaimed tom boy is now a cheer leader.
Olivia started kindergarten this year. She is such a smart little cookie. She is reading very well these days. One of her favorite things to do is read books. She also loves math. She takes it upon herself to study Madison's multiplication flash-cards, as well as her own addition & subtraction ones.
Reece is a very busy bee these days. She turned one in October. She is walking, climbing, and even jumping around the house. She is most definitely the busiest babe I've had. She is also starting to say small words. She is a chatterbox. We may not understand what she is saying, but it sure seems like she knows.

Life is good these days. We are looking forward to an awesome 2010. We hope you are too.
Lots of love!

Stephen, Kasie, Madison, Olivia and Reece
I love getting the "year in review" letters too. I'm only getting one now, so reading yours via the blog makes it two!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy to hear that the year has been good for you. I know others who are so glad that it's almost over because it has not been good for them. I've even read a couple of blogs expressing the same. I think that's really sad, even though I know that some of them couldn't control their situations.
But on a happier note, well wishes to you being a full time student, and to the rest of your crew in all that they are accomplishing and learning.
Look at your pretty girls! So cute...