I found out last night that Palin was going to be in our city today for a rally. SO… I had to go…. Ashley & I went. I would not consider myself a political person at all. I wouldn’t even call myself a republican or a democrat. I vote for who I like & I make sure I vote every opportunity I can. I’ve always felt that the right to vote is a privilege we shouldn’t take lightly. I’ve never been one to be passionate enough to actually attend a political rally though J Til this year… I think that’s only because this is such a history making election. We’ll either have our first African America or our first woman elected. Pretty crazy considering where our country was not too many years ago.
Anyway, the rally was fun. We got there about an hour early, but those radical republicans were already piled in & all the good spots were taken. We actually couldn’t see a thing. We ended up standing most of the time on our tippy toes trying to get a decent view… never happened. See, this was our view…
I saw a woman standing on top of an upside down trashcan & asked her to get a pic for me. So she did. This picture was my best view of the day. See Palin in the middle (White shirt, black skirt)…
Ashley & I missed the memo about the “Republicans wear red to rallies”. Silly us. What were we thinking… who knew? We didn’t even have our face painted, posters made & we certainly weren’t wearing our red. Rally amateurs! We’ll know next time.
Her speech was good… what we could hear of it. There was this older gent who helped the whole “low volume” thing out though. He turns around to the crowd & yells “on the count of 3 everyone yell “We can’t hear you” 1... 2… 3…" & of course since we are in redneck capital of the world, we’ve just heard Hank Williams Jr (that’s right… the good ol’ country boy) sing his McCain/Palin redneck anthem” naturally the crowd "hollers” (for those who don’t know that’s country for yells) “We can’t hear you”. Unfortunately, it wasn’t quite loud enough so the crowd proceeds (as Palin is in the middle of her speech) to chant, “We can’t hear you”. Finally Palin stops mid-sentence & says something like “Don’t mind the protesters they have freedom too”. Crazy people, she thought they were protesters. One lady behind us was really upset about that & starts yelling “we love you Sarah”. It was quite comical! Someone heard the “hollering” though b/c they turned her up. Ashley said… "I bet that will make the news". She was right... it did.
Lessons learned for next rally…
- Get there EARLY
- Make a pretty poster to wave so all of the people behind you can’t see
- Wear red if it’s a republican rally
Here were some actual protesters. All 8 of them...
Lots of cameras, of course...
I got a kick out of the secret service guys up on the lift. They kept talking into their sleeves :)...
A few more pics...
I'm glad u guys had a great time~you girls look cute!!