Towards the end of August I told the hubby that I was going to keep all of my Saturdays free in September & the early part of October so that I would have plenty of time to take care of the house. I'm so glad that didn't work out! I've spent the last 2 Saturdays with family & friends taking it easy & enjoying down time and it's been really nice! The house isn't finished, but who cares? The nursery (thanks to mom) is done & the house is at least clean (thanks to mom again :)) The additional home improvements will happen in time. No more obsessing. I've enjoyed the past 2 weekends. Last Saturday I hung out w/ my cousin & her kids and mom for a bit & then the middle babe & I went to a friend's birthday party (the hubby & the oldest babe spent the day together @ the Awakening Fest).

This Saturday we all went to my friend Ashley's house to her daughter's birthday party for most of the day. We ended up hanging out all day & playing cards til pretty late while all of the kids enjoyed each others company.
Turns out the middle babe has a mean swing. We have to get her a set for her birthday. She was slamming the balls!
My silly girl :)....
Ashley's lil' rock star...
Check out my girl with that left elbow up :)