I told myself at the beginning of the week that since I had so much to do I wouldn't let myself blog until I got it all done (you know, part of the whole "balance, prioritize" thing) SO, because I'm not finished with everything yet unfortunalty I don't have time to tell you about my trip to King's Dominion that I took with just Madison the other day...
I wouldn't be able to tell you how proud I was of myself for overcoming my rollercoater fear. I'm just too daggon stubborn to allow fear to keep me from what I used to love so much. But unfortunately I don't have time to tell you about that or how when we first got there & I saw this...
...& I almost passed out because I knew it was the first ride on the list of coasters that I had already promised Maddy I would ride with her. I wouldn't have time to tell you that I closed my eyes the entire time we clinked our way up that big ol' hill...
and flipped through that big ol' loop...
I'm pretty sure I blacked out for a moment or two from sheer terror. Thankfully, I survived (obviously)
I also don't have time to tell you that after I rode that I conquered these as well...
I say I was so proud of myself because by the end of the day I talked Maddy into riding on the FRONT seat of the very one that scared me so bad at the beginning of the day...

AND I kept my eyes open the entire time... but we don't have time to go into those kind of details!
I also don't have time to talk about our recent hopscotch adventures...
OR share how I finally captured a picture of those 2 tiny teeth....
SO, I'll just say Hi instead & ask that you say a prayer for the upcoming missions trip!
OK, I'm off to study...
(No glamour here people)
like I did ALL day Saturday- "AKA- the kid's "Entertain Yourself Day"... but we don't have time to go into all that, now do we?